Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Welcome Monroe Louisiana Ward!!


We heard that the Monroe Louisiana Ward had their 1st Self-Reliant Meeting. We are so excited that you've started your own Self-Reliant group! Let us know if you need help in any way. Please let us know if you start a blog or a website and we will link you on our sidebar.

If there are any other Self-Reliant groups out there, please let us know. We would be more than happy to send you copies of our "Beans and Tortillas" & "Where to Store Your Food Storage" Videos on DVD. Please feel free to download our newsletters and use them in your wards or meetings. Our goal is for other groups and wards to start their own Self-Reliant groups!


Gayle said...

I learned of your website through a LDS Food Storage Yahoo Group. I find it quite interesting, even if I live halfway across the US from you, how much is still quite similar.

Another useful website your might be interested in is; I visit them often to see what good deals they are posting about that week.

=) Gayle Jackson, Maeser Utah

Emster said...

Our ward started one this year. It has helped our sisters. Thanks for all the great resources!

Surprise, AZ

Lisa said...

Thanks for sharing Kiersten! If you have a blog or website let us know and we will list it on the sidebar!

mimi said...

You are not going to believe this, but I stumbled upon this post., from 3 YEARS AGO. I happen to be the preparedness specialist for the Monroe, LA ward, we are still going strong. Would LOVE to have those DVDs you refer to. Here is my contact info: you see this and contact me I will send my mailing address.